Transmitter top and bottom views
The Vintage SSB Special was my first effort after returning to homebrewing SSB radios. This radio set consists of a 20 meter transmitter and receiver that are both built on junked ARC-5 Command transmitter chassis. Each uses the original ARC-5 VFO components, and the two units can be connected together for transceive operation. They were described in a series of articles in Electric Radio magazine in the summer of 2010. The transmitter is a phasing type rig and was inspired by the W2EWL "Cheap and Easy" radios from the 1950s. My version uses a solid state phase shift network and audio filter, but the rest is vacuum tubes, including the original 1625 PA tubes used in the ARC-5. The receiver is all tubes and uses an INRAD crystal filter. The Vintage SSB Special radio set is now owned by K5EF.
Two articles are available on the buttons below that describe the radio set. Part 1 covers the transmitter and Part 2 the receiver:
Copyright © 2021 KG7TR. Technical information on this site may be shared in the interest of promoting the hobby of amateur radio. I do ask that you give proper credit to KG7TR for my equipment designs.
Vintage SSB Special connected together for transceive operation on 20 meters.
Vintage SSB Special
Rear view of Vintage SSB Special pair
The original W2EWL "Cheap and Easy" article first appeared in QST in 1956, and then later with some mods in ARRL's "Single Sideband for the Radio Amateur". Both articles are available at the buttons below:
The latest schematics are at this button:
Receiver top and bottom views